VOX Amplification Soundcheck: VOX V846 Vintage wah and Copperhead drive

Video by Vox Amps via YouTube

VOX Amplification Soundcheck: VOX V846 Vintage wah and Copperhead drive

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This Wah will make you feel like you’re stepping right back into ’67, The VOX V846 Vintage Wah is far out 😎

Volume up for a quick soundcheck of what this new wah pedal can do.

This wah is voiced with an assertive tonal profile, with an extended frequency sweep and a strong emphasis on high frequencies, especially when you pair it with some fuzz. If you wanna capture that iconic rock vibe, this pedal will take you on a real trip, man.

Available now at the VOX Amp Shop: https://voxampshop.com/products/v846-vintage

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