Easy Tip to Declutter Your Studio One Mixdown Folder | PreSonus

Video by PreSonus Audio Electronics via YouTube
Easy Tip to Declutter Your Studio One Mixdown Folder | PreSonus

Have you ever gone digging through your mixdown folder, only to be overwhelmed and confused by the file clutter? You’re not alone.

In this Studio One tutorial, PreSonus Software Specialist Joe Gilder demonstrates his method to maintaining an organized file system to better navigate your audio mixdown files, without feeling the need to delete all previous versions.

How important is file organization to you? Let us know in the comments!

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Easy Tip to Declutter Your Studio One Mixdown Folder | PreSonus
#presonus #studioone #daw #digitalaudioworkstation #mix #mixing #musicproduction #audioproduction #organization #filemanagement

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