Sound Design Snacks 38 – Harmonic Editing in Wavetables

Video by Kilohearts via YouTube
Kilohearts on Plugin Boutique
Sound Design Snacks 38 – Harmonic Editing in Wavetables

Building additive patches like we did last week, by stacking sines in the generators section of Phase Plant, can give you a lot of control. But it’s messy, slow, and not especially efficient. In the wavetable editor you can achieve a lot of the same things, using the harmonic edit tool. Draw in the amplitudes of every partial. Hundreds of them if you want. And tweak the phase of each one if you like. You can sweep quickly across the spectrum or finetune each individual harmonic, but in the end it’s all one wavetable frame, meaning a happy CPU and infinite variety of tones.

#sounddesign #phaseplant #wavetable #synth

Trial versions on Plugin Boutique