「THE JOYFUL PIANO」Concert Movie | Yamaha Corporation

Video by Yamaha Global via YouTube
「THE JOYFUL PIANO」Concert Movie | Yamaha Corporation

<[THE JOYFUL PIANO]Concert Outline >

2023. 12.21 THU
Doors open 16:00/Performance 16:30

Pianists:Hiroko Higashino,Yurina Furukawa,Kiwa Usami
Music producer/arranger:Yukiyo Takahashi
Conductor:Satoshi Yoneda
Orchestra:Yokohama Sinfonietta
Chorus:The Philharmonic Chorus of Tokyo
■Musical Performance:
Beethoven’s 9th Symphony


This new “Beethoven’s 9th Symphony” has been a tremendous challenge for all of us involved.   
For the last nine months, the pianists with disabilities have kept pushing the limits of their potential. 
Seeing them play the piano and listening to the pure sound they make with all their strength, I was often deeply moved and realized how happy I was to create music with them. 
On my part, I arranged the music with a sincere hope that all the musicians on stage will play magnificently in ensemble and create vibrant sounds. 
What music will we hear when the pianists’ challenging spirit, hope and the sound of their very best effort become one and reverberate?  I would be delighted if you could join me in this extraordinary musical experience.   

– Yukiyo Takahashi, Music producer/ Arrangement

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