Build-a-Synth | Minimoog Model D | Danz CM

Video by Moog Music Inc via YouTube
Moog Music Inc on Plugin Boutique
Build-a-Synth | Minimoog Model D | Danz CM

Join electronic musician, composer, and producer Danz CM for a special instrument-building and music-making experience at our factory and studio space in Asheville, NC.

To experience all that goes into hand-crafting the iconic Minimoog Model D, Danz had the opportunity to join our production team for a day and build her own analog synthesizer inside the Moog factory.

“Building the Minimoog and seeing the factory in person was a surreal experience,” Danz shared. “It’s hard to describe. I just felt all the history at once. So many great songs were created with these instruments.”

Using the Minimoog Model D she built by hand with our team, Danz created an original track inside the Moog Sound Lab.

“Although the Minimoog is monophonic, I wanted to make chords with it,” she continued. “So, I layered individual Minimoog tracks beforehand, recorded those, and selected a main melody line for the live performance to kind of harmonize with the others, to create the illusion of polyphony. For the live performance I also used external instrument tracks in Ableton to send arpeggios, melodies, and bass via MIDI out to the Grandmother, Sirin, and Minitaur. These I manipulated live in tandem. Pretty much every instrument you hear is Moog!”

More from Danz:

More about the Minimoog Model D:

Trial versions on Plugin Boutique