DCX BOOST || More Sounds

Video by Origin Effects via YouTube
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DCX BOOST || More Sounds

The DCX BOOST is a very versatile Tone Shaper & Drive pedal, inspired by the UA 610 preamp. We delved into our pedal collection and paired the DCX with some of our favourite gear. Here is a small selection of the tones and tricks you can expect from the Origin Effects DCX BOOST.

We hope this inspires you to experiment with your DCX alongside the weird and wonderful pedals you already own.

Matching Article: https://origineffects.com/2023/09/15/dcxmoresounds/

Product Page: https://origineffects.com/product/dcx-boost/


00:00 – Clip 1: EQ Mode (Transparent Boost)
01:00 – Clip 2: OD Mode (Versatile Drives)
01:56 – Clip 3: OD Mode cont.
02:33 – Clip 4: M-EQ & DCX Stacking
03:26 – Clip 5: M-EQ & DCX Stacking cont.
03:57 – Clip 6: Preamps with Preamps
04:30 – Clip 7: Underdriving Fuzz
05:20 – Clip 8: Fuzz Factory
05:58 – Clip 9: Sun Face
06:38 – Clip 10: Focus Fuzz (Getting Gilmourish)
07:22 – Clip 11: Strymon Deco, Tape & Preamp Saturation
07:53 – Clip 12: Chorus: ’80s Session Tones
08:34 – Clip 13: Boosting a Driven Amp
09:15 – Clip 14: Direct-to-Console
09:37 – Clip 15: Higher-Gain Amps
10:01 – Clip 16: Boosting Direct Sounds


Additional Information:

Speaker cabinet IRs are indicated on screen. Speaker cabinet choice changes from clip-to-clip.

Guitar Amp-Recreation Demos:
Demos featuring our Amp-Recreation pedals (RD Compact Hot Rod, DELUXE61) were recorded direct using IRs, with no traditional guitar amp in the signal path. Each pedal’s POST-DRIVE-EQ is set to P/AMP mode, allowing the pedals to act in place of a traditional amplifier. The settings seen on screen are the exact settings you’re hearing. An off-screen Two Notes Cab M is providing the IR.

DI Guitar Tone Demo:
Clip 14 was recorded via a flat DI with no additional processing in post.

Guitar amp demos:
Demos recorded with traditional, valve guitar amps (Deluxe Reverb) were recorded using a load box. After which the signal was sent to the same IR loader as used during the Amp-Recreation demos.

These demos were recording using a WDW setup. Reverb and delay were provided by the Strymon Bigsky & Timeline.

Recording & Post Processing:
All tracks were recorded via a Focusrite interface with no additional mic-pres or outboard. No EQ, compression, reverb or delay was added during the recording or export process.

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