Grab a Royer Labs R-121 Ribbon Microphone for when you need to pick up every detail in your records

Video by American Musical Supply via YouTube

Grab a Royer Labs R-121 Ribbon Microphone for when you need to pick up every detail in your records

Order Your Royer Labs R-121 Dynamic Passive Ribbon Microphone Now at AMS!

Released in 1998, the award-winning R-121 is our flagship microphone; the world’s first radically reengineered ribbon microphone and the model that reintroduced ribbon mics to engineers around the world. We did away with the large, heavy, fragile “classic” approach to ribbon microphones and went in a completely new direction. The R-121 gives all of the warmth and natural sound that experienced engineers have long turned to ribbon mics for, but in a compact, light-weight, high output and tough-as-nails package that was unheard of in a ribbon mic before the R-121. In its 10+ years in the market, thousands of R-121’s have been sold around the world and it’s well established as a standard for tracking electric guitar and brass.

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