How The 017 FET is Made | Soyuz Microphones

Video by SOYUZ MICROPHONES via YouTube
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How The 017 FET is Made | Soyuz Microphones

The 017 FET is the flagship large diaphragm FET condenser from Soyuz Microphones.
Modern. Polished. Full Bodied.

Just like every single Soyuz Microphone, the 017 is completely hand-machined and uses a custom capsule also made in our factory.

The 017 FET gives a classicly distinct and musically organic sound to whatever you’re recording.

See the full process of how our mics are made from beggining to end here:

Learn More About The 017 and All Soyuz Mics here:

#SoyuzMicrophones #Soyuz #017FET #Recording #HowItsMade #Microphones #AudioEngineering

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