How To Fix Channels Fighting For Space In A Mix

Video by Mastering The Mix via YouTube
Mastering The Mix on Plugin Boutique
How To Fix Channels Fighting For Space In A Mix

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Crowded, confused, and muddled are 3 words you DON’T want to hear when someone is describing your mix.

But that’s exactly what you get when you have conflicting channels fighting for space in your session.

You may have experienced the low frequencies of your bass overlap with the kick making it sound weak and thin, whilst robbing the overall mix of precious headroom.

Or perhaps you’ve mixed a song where the pianos, guitars and synths dominate the mid range making the vocals unintelligible. And using EQ to make the vocals cut through just made it sound harsh…

You’re not alone! These are problems that every artist, producer, and mix engineer have to deal with in every session. In this post I’m going to explain an incredibly effective and BRAND NEW way of dealing with conflicting channels.

With this information, you’ll make the cleanest mixes of your entire career, clearing up channel conflict with more precision than ever before.

If you’re a professional, this is for you because it will save you an insane amount of your precious time, whilst also giving you total control.

If you’re a beginner, this is for you because it’s immediately intuitive and you’ll get great results with ease.

0:00 Introduction
0:30 Why channels fight for space
1:02 How to fix clashing frequencies
2:43 Pro results with FUSER
3:41 Tips to improve your FUSER workflow
4:36 Conclusion

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