Interview with Daniel Cox – The Poor | #BluguitarFamily

Video by BluGuitar – Tone Innovation For Guitarists via YouTube
Interview with Daniel Cox - The Poor | #BluguitarFamily

Join us as in this interview with Daniel Cox, a renowned Australian hard rock guitarists for the band ‘The Poor’. Daniel shares fascinating insights into the Australian music scene, shedding light on the unique challenges and opportunities for musicians in his home country. He delves into his personal experiences and offers valuable advice for aspiring musicians looking to make their mark in Australia and beyond.

Of course, no interview would be complete without discussing the gear that defines an artist’s sound. Daniel enthusiastically shares his fresh experience using the AMP1 Iridium during his recent European tour. Gain valuable insights into his preferred settings on the AMP1 and learn how he achieves his distinctive hard rock tone.

Join us for this captivating conversation between two talented musicians as they dive deep into Daniel Cox’s musical journey, the Australian music scene, philanthropy, and the incredible sound of the AMP1 Iridium. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and be inspired by their shared love for music!

Make sure to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel and OF COURSE, follow Daniel and his band The Poor:

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