Mako Series M1 Lo-Fi Features, a brief guide

Video by walrusaudioeffects via YouTube

Mako Series M1 Lo-Fi Features, a brief guide

The Mako Series M1 is a high-fidelity stereo modulation machine with plenty of lush, pristine effects to explore. Not to be overlooked though, we also added in a layer of secondary controls to revert your signal back in time with lots of Lo-fi parameters you can add to any program. Add in any or all of the following by pressing and holding the bypass stomp and then manipulating the Tweak and Tune knobs and then set the overall mix with the Lo-Fi knob!

🎛️ Envelope Filter
🎛️ Drive
🎛️ Space (reverb)
🎛️ Age
🎛️ Noise
🎛️ Warble

Learn more about the M1 here:

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