Origin Plays… DCX BOOST & BASS

Video by Origin Effects via YouTube
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Origin Plays... DCX BOOST & BASS

Headphones recommended. We handed the new DCX BOOST & BASS pedal around the office for our staff to make some cool noises with.

00:00 – Guitar – John
DCX BOOST – RevivalDRIVE Compact – IRs – Strymon Reverb & Delays. This rig is WDW.

00:54 – Guitar – Jordan
DCX BOOST – Laney LA-Studio – IRs

01:32 – Bass – John
DCX BASS – BASSRIG ’64 Black Panel

02:17 – Guitar – Keiran
His internal routing for is QC is too complicated and he forgot to save the patch as it was when recording… High gain amp, some noise gating and who knows what else.

03:12 – Bass – Jacob
DCX BASS – BASSRIG ’64 Black Panel

03:42 – Bass – John
Orange Bass Butler – DCX BASS applied to the guitar channel

04:36 – Guitar – Jacob
DCX BASS – Victoria 35210-T. Micced with a MD421 and M160, reverb, tape delay and compression added in logic.

05:48 – Guitar – Keiran
Ditto previous comment on his rig.

DCX BOOST: https://origineffects.com/product/dcx-boost/
DCX BASS: https://origineffects.com/product/dcx-bass/

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