Panorama CS12 channel strip controller for Logic Pro

Video by NektarTechnology via YouTube
NektarTechnology on Plugin Boutique
Panorama CS12 channel strip controller for Logic Pro

Panorama CS12 controls the Logic Pro channel strip directly, using the Logic Pro control surface API. The workflow is therefore designed from the ground up which enables the unrivalled workflow.

* Control Logic Pros own insert FX plugins
* Control any AU insert FX plugins
* Deep plugin mapping completely user configurable.
* Control Smart Controls and Sends.
* High control resolution up to 14 bit or 10 times regular resolution.
* Control selected parameter by simply clicking.
* Automation modes including single point insert.
* Timeline navigation.
* Works with any Logic Pro projects. No wrapper or host plugin required.
* For Logic Pro 10.7.8 and higher.
* Support coming for other DAWs

Trial versions on Plugin Boutique