VOX Soundcheck: Valvetronix VT20X on Deluxe CL with volume & gain up, plus spring reverb

Video by Vox Amps via YouTube
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VOX Soundcheck: Valvetronix VT20X on Deluxe CL with volume & gain up, plus spring reverb

Curing our Sunday Scary’s with a lil VOX Soundcheck featuring the Valvetronix VT20X on the Deluxe CL amp model setting while the volume & gain are all the way up with some added spring reverb 😎

#VOXvt20X #deluxecl #volumeup #gainup #gain #ampgain #springreverb #modelingamp #ampomodel #VOXVTX #Voxamps #voxamplification #soundon #tubeamp #hybridamp #nothinlikeavox #Voxamplification #VT20X #VT40X #VT100X #VOXmodelingamp #amplifier

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