6 Revolutionary Guitar Inventions Explained

JHS Pedals

Video by JHS Pedals via YouTube
6 Revolutionary Guitar Inventions Explained

Welcome to another Monday Monolog with Josh. This live talk will be about why different people seemingly invent the same things at the same time throughout guitar and world history.

Josh will reference this 1922 study and encourage you read it: https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/2142320.pdf

JHS Fresh Clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTN1OwPMtjgH3hQAxvF-l2Q

#jhs #thejhsshow #fendertelecaster #mxrdistortionplus #dod250 #lespaul #inventions #invention #innovation #cloning #technology #fuzzpedal #distortion

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JHS Pedals