Samuel G Mpungu (MPNG) Bass Guitar Lesson – Playing Chords | ELIXIR Strings

Video by Elixir Strings via YouTube
Samuel G Mpungu (MPNG) Bass Guitar Lesson - Playing Chords | ELIXIR Strings

Chords aren’t just for guitarists – they’re a great addition to a bass player’s tool kit too. Building your knowledge of chords all over the fingerboard allows you to accompany singers, add interest to solos, fill out the sound in a three-piece and more.

In this short bass guitar video tutorial, Elixir Strings artist Samuel G Mpungu (MPNG) demonstrates a cool technique for plucking chords by using a double thumb stroke (down and up) and two fingers. Using this approach enables a dynamic, almost ‘strummed’ approach while keeping a strong attack and great definition between notes.

Sam’s unusual 5-string tuning (from low E to high C) allows him to explore voicings that really work in small ensembles – and it’s easy to replicate on 4-string bass too!

He plays Elixir Bass Strings for their brilliant tone and because they allow him to focus more on his music. Check them out:

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