BluGuitar gets Euro 2020 fever… and AMP1 gets a road test!

Video by BluGuitar – Tone Innovation For Guitarists via YouTube
BluGuitar gets Euro 2020 fever... and AMP1 gets a road test!

Team BluGuitar has got Euro 2020 fever – well, except Thomas of course. All he wants to do is play guitar all day πŸ™‚

From the moment Rich takes the amp off Thomas, this video was filmed in one take… so now you know that AMP1 is the most kick-proof pedal amp out there, as well as the best sounding!

And as a note, Rich wore special steel-reinforced boots to kick the AMP1. Please do not try this at home! Your AMP1 will be fine, but you probably won’t be. If you want to play football this summer, please just buy a ball instead.

Check out the AMP1 Mercury Edition here:

And if you want one of the Number 1 shirts we’re all wearing the in the video, you can get those here:

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