New in Studio One 6.2: Improved Takes and Layers Workflow | PreSonus

Video by PreSonus Audio Electronics via YouTube
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New in Studio One 6.2: Improved Takes and Layers Workflow | PreSonus

Studio One 6.2 is here, and we’re thrilled to share some exciting updates including an improved takes and layers workflow!

What’s a "comp" track? Comping is the act of taking the best bits and pieces from multiple takes and compiling them into a single take that best fits the composition. This has been an important part of the recording process for years dating back to meticulously splicing analog tape, however, the modern age of digital audio has made this process easier for everyone involved.

This process has always been especially easy with Studio One, however in the updated Studio One 6.2, we’ve made it faster and easier than ever before.

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Improved Takes and Layers Workflow in Studio One 6.2 | PreSonus
#presonus #studioone #recording #production #vocal #comping #mixing

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