Our Music: Remote ensemble with all of Yamaha

Video by Yamaha_Global via YouTube
Our Music: Remote ensemble with all of Yamaha

ヤマハでは設立記念日である10月12日を「Yamaha Day」と定め、従業員が自社ブランドに想いをはせるための企画を毎年実施しています。

今年はこの日に合わせて、ヤマハ音楽教室CMで使用している『池の雨』をモチーフに*オリジナル楽曲”Good to see you, music”を制作。世界に広がるグループ従業員が練習に励み、各々の感性で自己表現した投稿動画をつないで1本のミュージックビデオを制作しました。

昨今の環境変化で音楽の楽しみ方が大きく変わる中、今だからこそ、歌いたい、演奏したい―そんな気持ちを持つ従業員と本企画を通じて、音と、人と、それらを「つなぐ」ヤマハブランドを実感し、心震わす瞬間を表すヤマハのブランドプロミス”Make Waves”を共に体感することを目指しました。



ブランドプロミス”Make Waves”:https://jp.yamaha.com/about_yamaha/brand_promise/index.html

Yamaha has designated October 12, the anniversary of our establishment, as Yamaha Day, and conducts various projects to encourage employees to think about our Yamaha brand.

This year, to coincide with that day, we put together the videos from our employees performing a song* “Good to see you, music” which is based on “Rain on a Pond” and used for Yamaha Music School TV commercials. To create a single remote ensemble music video, many of our domestic and overseas employees practiced hard and expressed themselves with their own sensitivity.

Through this project, our aim was to feel the sound and the Yamaha brand that connects us and share with everyone the emotional experience of feeling our Brand Promise “Make Waves”.

We hope you will enjoy this work representing Yamaha, a brand made up by many diverse individuals.

*This song is translated into English based on a song produced by our “Okaeri Ongaku” project.

Explore our world: https://www.yamaha.com/ja/?header
Brand Promise “Make Waves”: https://usa.yamaha.com/about_yamaha/brand_promise/index.html

Song title/曲名: "Good to see you, music"
Oh welcome home, my friend where you belong
Some things change but some remain after so long
Like we used to laugh and stay up until the morning
Alone my heart was a-wandering endlessly
With each step you were walking right there next to me
But I couldn’t see it, It was hard to believe it

Through the darkness and fright, what a sound, yeah what a sight
Blowing up the night, a saxophone melody
Inhale a deep breath, snap your fingers, tap your chest
Everything starts to click, lets begin the music

Hey, gonna sing together one more time
You got it
Never drop out the beat
No matter how hard they might try to Stop it
Baby, baby, I just want to live this moment
Baby, baby, I’m right by your side, don’t you forget

Hey, gonna sing together, clap your hands, oh baby
Hey come on dance with me now, clap your hands

Keeping me safe and warm In the loneliest time of night,
Always that same old song that shook my heart so many times
Taking my old guitar, swap the strings and clean it quick
Find a long-lost pick, and begin the music

Hey, gonna sing together one more time
Oh baby
Hey won’t you get down with me for one more try
Hey come on dance with me now, Have a good time
You got it
Never drop out the beat
No matter how hard they might try to Stop it
Baby, baby, I get so excited spinning
Baby, baby, I’m lost in the music
Baby, baby, I’m right by your side, until the end

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