Catalinbread Giygas Fuzz: Virtual Tour

Video by Catalinbread Effects via YouTube
Catalinbread Giygas Fuzz: Virtual Tour

Learn more about the Giygas Fuzz:

We attended the Sweetwater Gear Fest virtually this year and this is the video from our online booth, shot quarantine style. Nicholas Kula, the designer of the Giygas, walks us through some of the features while Joey plays some riffs.

The Giygas is an all-powerful fuzz tool with enough options to enhance any tone across literally every genre and band configuration. The three-transistor fuzz circuit is harmonically rich, with serious amp-pummeling potential and tons of creamy sustain when cranked. This feeds a JFET-equipped clean blend circuit that can get 100% dry or wet with zero harmonic distortion. After the blending, the signal feeds two cascading EQ stages—the first being a 10dB mids boost or cut
at 900Hz, and the second being a tilt-style EQ that simultaneously boosts and cuts frequencies above and below 900Hz up to 10dB. Bass players can flip an internal switch that re-centers both Mids and EQ to 250Hz—we love rhythm sections! The Giygas
can replace a whole boardʼs worth of dirt boxes, leaving more room for, well, more pedals!

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