Benefits of Playing Guitar & Why Your First Instrument Matters | PRS Guitars

Video by PRS Guitars via YouTube

Benefits of Playing Guitar & Why Your First Instrument Matters | PRS Guitars

Many studies have been written on the benefits of learning an instrument! In this video, Lee Priddy and a few of his students from Priddy Music Academy in Millersville, Maryland discuss the benefits of playing guitar and what to look for in a buying your ‘first’ guitar.

The guitars featured in this video are the SE CE 24 Standard Satin – available for $499, learn more here:

00:00 – Lee Priddy Introduction
01:02 – Lee Priddy Playing SE CE 24 Standard Satin
01:26 – About Lee’s Students
02:00 – Lucas Introduction & Playing
02:34 – How Lucas Got into Guitar
03:21 – Lucas on Playing Live
03:53 – James Introduction and Playing
04:20 – How James Got Into Guitar
04:55 – James on Playing Live and with Other People 
05:15 – James on Learning Songs
06:10 – Lee on the Benefits of Learning Guitar
06:53 – Lucas Playing Section 2
07:09 – Lucas on What Makes for a Good Guitar
07:31 – James on Qualities of "First Guitars"
07:59 – James on What He Looks for in a Guitar 
08:17 – James on the SE CE 24 Standard Satin
08:36 – Lee on Advice for Purchasing a Guitar to Learn On 
09:08 – Lee on Qualities of a Good Guitar to Learn On
09:42 – Lee on Common Issues with Cheaply Made First Guitars
10:46 – James Playing Section 2
11:22 – Lee’s Advice for People Aspiring to Learn to Play Guitar
12:18 – Lee Playing Section 2

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