Breaking Down The Grooves from Zildjian Live with Stanton Moore

Video by Avedis Zildjian Company via YouTube
Breaking Down The Grooves from Zildjian Live with Stanton Moore

We though it would be fun to have one Zildjian Live Artist interview another Zildjian Live Artist about their Zildjian Live Performance to really dig in deep, ask each other specific questions about they’re playing and break down the grooves!

In this episode of "Breaking Down The Grooves from Zildjian Live" Ash Soan interviews Stanton Moore about his Zildjian Live Performance.

Stanton’s performance consisted of 3 sections from 3 different songs:
A segment from his song "Sprung Monkey"
A segment from the song "Magnolia Triangle" by James Black
And a segment from Robert Walter’s song " Pie-Eyed Manc"
Hence the name of his Zildjian Live Performance: "Sprung Mag-Pie"

In this episode, Stanton shows us the sticking for his opening groove:
LLRL RLRR and how adding flams to this sticking can make you sound like 5 drummers instead of just 1!

He also discusses transitioning between time signatures of the 3 sections and shows us how to play a half time swing feel.

To checkout the transcription breakdowns for each of these grooves, visit:


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