DCX BASS Tone Shaper & Drive – Product Introduction

Video by Origin Effects via YouTube
DCX BASS Tone Shaper & Drive - Product Introduction

In this video we go over the features of the DCX BASS, a Tone Shaper and Drive pedal inspired by the legendary UA 610 studio preamp.

For the full product information, follow the link here: https://origineffects.com/product/dcx-bass/

00:00 – Intro Bass
00:21 – Introduction, The DCX BASS
01:22 – DCX Features
02:06 – EQ and OD Modes
02:51 – DEMO: Higher Gain Settings
03:33 – Voice Control and Adaptive Circuitry
04:20 – DEMO: Voice Control
04:55 – EQ Controls
05:36 – DEMO: EQ Controls
06:33 – Outro

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