Deep Tracks Only Ep. 3 – Doctor Neighbor Amy Newberry

Video by walrusaudioeffects via YouTube
Deep Tracks Only Ep. 3 - Doctor Neighbor Amy Newberry

On this episode, Colt and Philip are joined by a very special guest: our very own Neighbor Amy. Neighbor Amy (we call her that because – follow me here the logic is super complicated – her office is next door to ours and her name is Amy) has a Master of Arts and is a Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate who specializes in family conflict and trauma intervention. Take a deep breath and allow this conversation to bring a sense of calm to your commute, lunch break, or semi-vigorous outdoor activity as Neighbor Amy shares her tips on true restfulness, the value of disconnecting from technology, and the superior nature of outdoor music venues.

Saddle up as the cast of Deep Tracks Only takes you on a journey through the b-sides of the brains and hearts of some of their favorite people on earth. Colt and Philip bypass the "what" of people’s lives and move to the "why."

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