Deep Tracks Only Ep. 6 – Zandy Mowry

Video by walrusaudioeffects via YouTube
Deep Tracks Only Ep. 6 - Zandy Mowry

Colt and Philip are joined today by Zandy Mowry, the guitar player for The New Respects. We feel lucky to call Zandy a close friend of Walrus, and in this episode she was open about the artists who influenced early versions of her band, how her switch from acoustic to electric guitar influenced the direction and style the band has been on for the last several years, and unpacks the meaning of some of their top songs.

Saddle up as the cast of Deep Tracks Only takes you on a journey through the b-sides of the brains and hearts of some of their favorite people on earth. Colt and Philip bypass the "what" of people’s lives and move to the "why."

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