Flynn Cohen – Acoustic Guitar Lesson – Cool Slash Chords | ELIXIR Strings

Video by Elixir Strings via YouTube
Flynn Cohen - Acoustic Guitar Lesson - Cool Slash Chords | ELIXIR Strings

In this short acoustic guitar lesson Elixir Strings artist and educator Flynn Cohen uses a simple but effective chord progression to illustrate the slash chord concept. The main challenge might be getting your fingers round the new voicings, but it’s worth the effort for the additional harmonic interest!

Incorporating low notes into progressions that aren’t simply the root note of chords gives great scope for changing the feel and leading the listener’s ear. These slash chords, as they’re sometimes known, are great to use on acoustic guitar for a big, full sound, but can be used in almost any musical setting.

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Flynn has tried the others but now uses Elixir Strings exclusively for his guitars and mandolin because of their long lasting tone!

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