Flynn Cohen Acoustic Guitar Lesson – How to Play Jig Rhythm | ELIXIR Strings

Video by Elixir Strings via YouTube
Flynn Cohen Acoustic Guitar Lesson – How to Play Jig Rhythm | ELIXIR Strings

The distinctive feel of the jig rhythm is an essential part of Irish and other traditional music. It’s a great, fun groove to play on acoustic guitar and one you need to master for sitting in on sessions with fiddle players, for sure!

In this short acoustic guitar video lesson, Elixir Strings artist Flynn Cohen breaks down the right hand jig rhythm strumming pattern, with its double downstrokes, in easy-to-follow fashion. It’s a deceptively simple sounding feel, but one that will take some training of your right hand to play smoothly and strongly. So as always, start slow and precise before building up speed

Flynn has tried the others but now uses Elixir Strings exclusively for his guitars and mandolin because of their long lasting tone! Check out our products:

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