Fun, music, friends and family | EarthQuaker Day 2022 Highlights

Video by EarthQuakerDevices via YouTube
Fun, music, friends and family | EarthQuaker Day 2022 Highlights

Did you miss EarthQuaker Day 2022? Bummer, we sure missed you! So, for all the folks who couldn’t make it to Akron, Ohio for EQD Day, here’s a quick look at some of the good times, good music, and awesome people who shared this special day with us at EQD HQ. But, don’t worry, there’s no need to punish yourself with FOMO. Instead, get your planner out and save the date, Saturday, August 5, for EarthQuaker Day 2023! We hope to see you there!

The EarthQuaker Day 2022 lineup included: Stephi Duckula, Shinichi Ito, Jamie Stillman, Emily Hopkins, DŸKENŸTE, Future Children, Language, Nervous Future, Oregon Space Trail of Doom, Eri Snowden, Big Pop, Smith Taylor, Marcus Alan Ward, Safe Words, Free Black!, Harriet the Spy and Spotlights.

Thank you to our sponsors: Audio-Technica, Reverb, Galenas, Musica, PRS Guitars, Reverend Guitars, Specialty Traders and The Summit FM.

Music: "Psychic Leader" by Oregon Space Trail of Doom

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