How to make your beats sound DRUNK (aka Dilla Swing) 🍻 | Carl’s Tutorials #1

Video by Reason Studios via YouTube
How to make your beats sound DRUNK (aka Dilla Swing) 🍻 | Carl's Tutorials #1

Watch as Carl Carlsson shows you how to create beats with a "drunk" and wobbly feel. Some people call it the "Dilla Swing", others may use more official music theory terms like the quintuplet shuffle. No matter what you call it, it’s a great technique to add vibe and feel to your drum grooves.

Carl Carlsson is one half of the Vapourware duo @Runners Club 95 and has his own solo project "carlcarlsson" too.

Find Carl on Instagram here:
Listen to Runners Club 95 on Spotify:
Listen to carlcarlsson on Spotify:


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