Jeff Ellis’s top tip for mixing in Dolby Atmos | Mix in a New Dimension | Presonus

Video by PreSonus Audio Electronics via YouTube
Jeff Ellis's top tip for mixing in Dolby Atmos | Mix in a New Dimension | Presonus

We sat down with Grammy Award-winning engineer Jeff Ellis (Frank Ocean, Doja Cat, The Neighborhood) in his mix room at EastWest Studios to discuss his philosophy of mixing in Dolby Atmos with Studio One.

In this clip, Jeff shares the importance of maintaining the original emotion and personality of the composition when mixing with Dolby Atmos versus as standard stereo mix.

Learn more in the full episode of Mix in a New Dimension.

Song: "For All Time"
Performed by @MayerHawthorne
Written by Mayer Hawthorne & Sam Wish

Jeff Ellis’s top tip for mixing in Dolby Atmos | Mix in a New Dimension | Presonus
#studioone #dolbyatmos #recording #audioproduction #mixing #musicproduction #presonus

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