Juliet Fox DJ set | Denon DJ x Beatport LINK’d Sessions

Video by Denon DJ via YouTube
Juliet Fox DJ set | Denon DJ x Beatport LINK'd Sessions

Together with Beatport LINK, we have curated 6 artists over 3 live streams to bring you 1 shared vision – STREAMING IN THE DJ BOOTH!
Utilizing the power of Engine OS within the Denon DJ media players, DJ’s are able to stream directly from Beatport LINK without a laptop in sight!
Each one of these artists has crafted their unique sets from the Beatport LINK online catalog to showcase their underground sound.

πŸ”Š NEVERDOGS πŸ”Š Pig&Dan πŸ”Š Bushwacka πŸ”Š Patrice BΓ€umel πŸ”Š Juliet Fox πŸ”Š DJ Pierre πŸ”Š

FULL INFO | https://www.facebook.com/events/220782699594625
Denon DJ | https://www.denondj.com
Beatport LINK | https://link.beatport.com
Engine OS | https://enginedj.com/engine-os.php

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