K Custom Special Dry Performance – Justin Scott

Video by Avedis Zildjian Company via YouTube
K Custom Special Dry Performance - Justin Scott

Check out Zildjian Artist Justin Scott demonstrating the K Custom Special Dry series in this performance of “Power"" by Kaz Rodriguez.

Justin’s Cymbal Setup (left to right):
Raw Crash Large Bell
14” K Custom Special Dry HiHats
20” K Custom Special Dry Crash
Stack: 14” K Custom Special Dry FX Hat Top on top of a 14” FX Oriental China Trash
X-Hat – 18” Uptown Ride on top w/ K Custom Dark Crash on bottom
23” Special Dry Ride
X-Hat #2 – 21” K Custom Special Dry Trash Crash on top w/ 21” Organic Ride on bottom.
19” Special Dry Trash Crash

Explore the sounds of Justin’s Full Cymbal setup here:

For more info on the K Custom Special Dry series, visit:
Zildjian Category/Cymbals/Drum Set/K Family/K Custom

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