Krept & Nella Rose | Branch Out, There Is So Much More Out There I JBL The Orange Box S3 – EP3

Video by JBL via YouTube
Krept & Nella Rose | Branch Out, There Is So Much More Out There I JBL The Orange Box S3 - EP3

In episode 3 @Nella Rose chats to Krept the music mogul, entrepreneur and one half of legendary UK rap duo @Krept and Konan. Nella and Krept talk about how he first connected with Konan, the importance of self-acceptance, following your intuition and not conforming, breaking down barriers and inspiring the next generation to do things differently.

In Series 3 of JBL’s The Orange Box, Nella Rose chats to some of the most legendary names in UK music to have some real talk about what it’s like to be an artist today.

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