Line 6 | Helix | John Cordy | Artist Tone Walkthrough

Video by Line 6 Movies via YouTube
Line 6 | Helix | John Cordy | Artist Tone Walkthrough

Musician and YouTube Creator John Cordy takes us through the choices he made while creating his ‘JOHNNATHANCORDY’ Helix preset for our Helix Artist Tone Collection.
In this preset you will find, a slice of ambience in the form of a sparkling clean sound with the addition of the glitch delay and John shares his go-to lead sound.
Download this free preset here:

About Helix Artist Tone Collection:
We have collaborated with a selection of Line 6 Artists to bring together a diverse collection of guitar tones that will inspire your playing.
These Tones are available as a free download for your Helix Floor, Helix LT and Helix Rack here:

Each preset is accompanied by an exclusive ‘Performance’ video by the artist as well as a ‘Tone Walkthrough’ video for you to follow along with – a great way to discover the unique approaches each artist takes to create their tones.
Find out more about the Helix Artist Tone Collection here:

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