Line 6 Travelogue Series | Mexico City with Tonio Ruiz

Video by Line 6 via YouTube
Line 6 Travelogue Series | Mexico City with Tonio Ruiz

“It’s a lovely, weird, funky place, Mexico City, and the country is a beautiful country, and the people are awesome; the food is the best in the world.” – Tonio Ruiz.

Get an insight into life and music in Mexico City in episode six of our Line 6 Travelogue series!
In this video, Tonio Ruiz, Grammy Award winning guitarist, composer, and producer speaks to Paul Hindmarsh about his background, the best local guitar shops, the Mexico City music scene, and how he uses his Helix amp and effects processor.

Get Tonio’s preset on Line 6 CustomTone here:

About the Line 6 Travelogue Series:
Hosted by Paul Hindmarsh, each episode of the Travelogue series visits a different place around the world, highlighting musicians and learning about different cultures, genres, and how people use their Line 6 gear.

0:40 Introduction and Mexico City
2:19 Midnight Rain
2:43 Early musical life
4:19 Current projects
6:50 Receiving a Grammy
7:53 First inspiration to play music
10:11 First major guitar influence
11:09 Introduction to digital modeling
14:33 Venues in Mexico City
17:56 Local guitar stores
19:17 Free Helix Preset
22:56 Wrap up

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