Making RTP Connections using Auracle X Connect to Computer

Video by iConnectivity via YouTube
Making RTP Connections using Auracle X Connect to Computer

Making an RTP-MIDI connection to your computer can be a click of the mouse away!
We’ll walk you through using Auracle’s "Connect to Computer" RTP-MIDI function and using it with your X Series interface.

We’ll also explain best-case situations for using "Connect to Computer" connectivity and when other connection methods may be more appropriate.

▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

0:00 – Intro
00:15 – When to use "Connect to Computer"
1:12 – Connecting your interface
1:27 – Auracle X Series
1:45 – Using "Connect to Computer" function
2:34 – MIDI Routing in your DAW
3:05 – MIDI Routing in Auracle X Series
4:58 – Outro

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