MIDI Device Control with AirTurn and the CME WIDI Master

Author: AirTurn
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MIDI Device Control with AirTurn and the CME WIDI Master

Wireless MIDI control with the CME WIDI Master

All AirTurn devices that support MIDI can be connected to a CME WIDI Master, enabling wireless control of any device with a MIDI port.

MIDI is enabled by holding the MODE button (the button with the four dots and lines) for seven blinks of the red LED. You will see seven blinks back confirming the setting.

Plug the WIDI Master into your MIDI device and it will connect immediately as noted by the blue LED blinking more slowly.

Use the AirTurn Manager free app to change CC, notes, and custom MIDI codes.

Take wireless control of your MIDI instrument with AirTurn and the CME WIDI Master.

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