Moog Model 10 | Hannes Bieger

Video by Moog Music Inc via YouTube
Moog Model 10 | Hannes Bieger

Hannes Bieger is no stranger to the power of Moog large-format modular systems. The Berlin-based producer, mixing engineer, and live artist—who has been creating and recording ground-shaking techno and house music with his System 35 for years—recently discussed how his experience with modular instruments has shaped his style and process.

“What I love about modular is how you can incorporate ‘happy accidents’ in the workflow, especially when tossing around patterns on the analogue sequencers,” Hannes shared. “I love the physicality of the process, actually standing in front of this big instrument rather than sitting in front of a computer screen. Finally, there is a sonic world difficult to achieve with conventional synths. I love, for example, how I can create stereo sounds with a pair of VCAs and AM modulation as a part of the actual synthesis, not with external effects.”

Hannes shares more about how modular instruments like the Model 10 (now back in production!) and System 35 have shaped his style and process in a new interview on our website. Check out the full interview at!

More about Hannes Bieger:

More about Model 10:

Video footage from Dan Braga ( and a.k.Berlin (

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