Shawn Persinger Acoustic Guitar Lesson –Jazz Chords for Beginners | ELIXIR Strings

Video by Elixir Strings via YouTube
Shawn Persinger Acoustic Guitar Lesson –Jazz Chords for Beginners | ELIXIR Strings

Want to add some jazzy style to your guitar playing? Then this is the beginner lesson for you! One of the most distinctive characteristics of jazz guitar is the way that extended chords (the major and minor 7ths and beyond) are voiced, but it can be a difficult area to start exploring.

In this quick acoustic guitar video lesson, Elixir Strings artist Shawn Persinger sets out to make jazz chords less daunting. Download Tab:

You’ll learn the basics, starting out with chords in the open position – and then learn some really “jazzy-sounding” close-voiced chords up the neck. Once you have these mastered you’ll be on the way to comping those classic jazz-style accompaniments; Shawn demonstrates by playing through a ‘circle of fourths’ progression in the style of Autumn Leaves, Fly Me To The Moon, My Favorite Things and more.

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