Simple Solutions For Harsh Mix

Video by Mastering The Mix via YouTube
Mastering The Mix on Plugin Boutique
Simple Solutions For Harsh Mix

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"Simple Solutions For Harsh Mix"

0:00 Not only low end
In this introduction, we highlight the importance of addressing harshness in your mix, focusing on more than just the low-end frequencies to achieve a smooth and balanced sound.

0:36 The ear piercing experience
This section explains the unpleasant experience of harsh frequencies that can make your mix sound piercing and uncomfortable to listen to.

1:26 The balance fix
Learn how to achieve the right balance in your mix by identifying and reducing harsh frequencies, creating a more pleasant and professional sound.

2:13 Fix in the mix
Here, we demonstrate techniques and tools to fix harshness directly within your mix, ensuring clarity and warmth without sacrificing quality.

4:09 Last minute fixes
Discover quick and effective last-minute fixes to polish your mix, addressing any remaining harsh frequencies before finalizing your track.

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