Instant Drum Kits in Reason with Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator and Mimic

Video by Reason Studios via YouTube
Instant Drum Kits in Reason with Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator and Mimic

Ryan shows us how he’s started using Mimic’s Slice Mode as a way to capture and map samples instantly to make custom sampled drum kits practically as fast as you could load a patch. Creativity shortcuts like this are creativity boosters because they help us all not get bogged down in the logistics of technology and instead focus on what we sat down to do: make music!

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Band-in-a-Box® for Windows®: Downloading and Installing Band-in-a-Box® from the PG Music website

Video by PG Music Inc. via YouTube
Band-in-a-Box® for Windows®: Downloading and Installing Band-in-a-Box® from the PG Music website

This video is an in depth tutorial that goes over downloading, installing, and activating Band-in-a-Box® for Windows.

We also have a quickstart video that summarizes this process:

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The Creative Element: Forging a Path in Music Education

Video by Ableton via YouTube
The Creative Element: Forging a Path in Music Education

​​In “The Creative Element”, three music teachers explain how music technology helps their students engage with the creative process and make the music that matters to them.

Find out more about the movie and the Ableton for the Classroom program here:

Translations for this movie are available in Français, 日本語, Deutsch, 中国人, Español, Italiano, Nederlands, עִברִית, русский and Türk. If you prefer, subtitles can be turned on by clicking on the CC icon at the bottom of the video.

#ableton #education #abletonfortheclassroom

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