The Blue Guitar Collection – Episode 12 | ELIXIR Strings

Video by Elixir Strings via YouTube
The Blue Guitar Collection - Episode 12  | ELIXIR Strings

It has been a pleasure to share the Blue Guitar Collection with you, to reunite them with the talented luthiers who created them and to enjoy the music they make in the hands of some of the world’s greatest guitarists. But what’s next?

Well, we are delighted to share the news of a new generation of Blue Guitars that is being built right now by luthiers such as Ken Parker, Mirabella Guitars, Beauregard Guitars, Wyatt Wilkie, Maegen Wells Guitars and others!

These extraordinary artists will follow the spirit of the original collection and elevate the design of the achtop guitar to new heights.

And they’ll all be strung with Elixir strings – for that long lasting great tone!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this series of reels, thank you for watching! Follow @blueguitars for more!

A special thanks to @michaelwatts for providing this video series!

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