Tutorials | MiniFreak – Sound Utilities & Tutorials

Video by Arturia via YouTube
Tutorials | MiniFreak - Sound Utilities & Tutorials

Matt taps into MiniFreaks settings and configurations, guiding you through how to customize its creative features to suit your own workflow, from preset management to Scale quantization.

MiniFreak → https://bit.ly/3Tegc00
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MiniFreak is a polyphonic hybrid keyboard that unites dual digital sound engines with analog filters, playful modulation, instinctive sequencing, and rich stereo effects for sounds that are immediately curious, beautiful, and chaotic in equal measure.

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Arturia is one of the world’s leading developers of music software, studio controllers, hardware synthesizers and audio interfaces. Creating gear for pro and amateur musicians alike, we create equipment that is both easy to use, enhances your workflow, and sounds amazing.


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