What’s inside SampleTron 2 – Dave Kerzner presents vintage Tron gear and tape-based sampling

Video by ikmultimedia via YouTube
What's inside SampleTron 2 - Dave Kerzner presents vintage Tron gear and tape-based sampling

This Friday, we’re premiering a video on the original gear that inspired IK’s latest virtual instrument collection: SampleTron 2.

SampleTron 2 combines the powerful sound engine of SampleTank 4 with our tape modeling technology to recreate the distinctive, ultra-vibey sounds of tape-based samplers from the ’60s and ’70s, along with quirky early digital sample players and vocoders. But what were those early samplers like to operate?

Discover the magic inside SampleTron 2. Tune in for the premiere this Friday, June 4, at 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT.

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