Zildjian Chats with Pedrito Martinez

Video by Avedis Zildjian Company via YouTube
Zildjian Chats with Pedrito Martinez

In this edition of "Zildjian Chats" Joe Testa, VP of Artist Relations, sits down with the world renowned percussionist: Pedrito Martinez.

In this interview Pedrito talks about his upbringing in Cuba, his mentors, how he rose to fame in the United States, the various artists he has worked with so far in his career, his new album and he even shows us some basic Cuban Rhythms.

Pedrito’s new album ‘Acertijos’ was released on March 19th and features many special guests, including Eric Clapton! Stay tuned until the end of the interview for a special music video premiere of on of the songs off the album, called "Aumba."
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