Zildjian Drum Set Workout with Quincy Davis

Video by Avedis Zildjian Company via YouTube
Zildjian Drum Set Workout with Quincy Davis

The ZILDJIAN WORKOUT project was created to give YOU the opportunity to "learn-while-you-drum" along with the top Zildjian artists. Covering three levels of technical demand, each video will cover several exercises that will not only help you improve your fundamental skills, but also expose you to the drumming philosophies of some of today’s master instructors!

In this ZILDJIAN WORKOUT episode, Quincy Davis takes you though his personal drum set warmup routine. He does warmups in "song form" playing patterns with a song in mind. The song he recommends here is "Cherokee" by Clifford Brown with Max Roach on drums: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M283JFxesic

He also showcases some great stretches to do before playing.

He closes his warmup routine with a "Single Stroke Pyramid" with added feet and accents.

So grab your sticks & practice pad – and get ready for a workout!

Checkout all of our Zildjian Workout exercises here:

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