2 New Chromatic Modules by Dreadbox // Antidote & Euphoria

Video by Dreadbox via YouTube
2 New Chromatic Modules by Dreadbox // Antidote & Euphoria

We are excited to announce 2 new modules to broaden the Chromatics Family, Antidote & Euphoria.

Antidote features
Full Karplus-Strong synthesis voice
Analog circuit based on a 512stages BBD chip
On board noise generator with a variable decay
2 analog low pass filters
Output filter can be used as a low pass gate
Precision tracking over 5 octaves
Can process external audio signals

more info: https://www.dreadbox-fx.com/antidote

Euphoria features
Full analog 8-stage phase shifter
Warm Vintage sound based on OTA chips
Can create phase AM sounds
Can be used with lower level signal inputs
Internal voltage controlled LFO

more info: https://www.dreadbox-fx.com/euphoria

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