Introducing Behringer 1273 – Vintage Stereo Microphone Preamp

Video by Behringer via YouTube
Introducing Behringer 1273 - Vintage Stereo Microphone Preamp

Step into the studio again with seasoned sound engineer Win as he unveils the powerful capabilities of the Behringer 1273 Legendary 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier. Discover the exceptional audio fidelity enabled by its 3-Band Equalizers and custom-built Midas Transformers. Built on the revered design, this preamplifier incorporates class A all-discrete circuitry and an electronically controlled resistor-stepped 80 dB rotary gain switch for unparalleled precision and minimal noise. Engineered by our UK-based expert John Price previously working alongside Rupert Neve, the Behringer 1273 promises stellar performance and premium sound quality that meets the demands of professional audio production. Explore why this preamplifier is fast becoming a favorite among audio professionals.

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