ASO Goes Electric Ep. 3 – Brian Del Bianco – Akron Symphony Orchestra | EarthQuaker Devices

Video by EarthQuakerDevices via YouTube
ASO Goes Electric Ep. 3 – Brian Del Bianco - Akron Symphony Orchestra | EarthQuaker Devices

Akron Symphony Orchestra’s Brian Del Bianco pushes it all past the edge of resonance with a trio of classic EarthQuaker sleeping monsters. Some of you use Night Wire for its unique attack driven vibe and Spatial Delivery’s filtering options to keep things ultra-auto-wah-funky, but have you ever injected your double bass into a dimly lit solo jam with of some of our most “out there” pedals, including delay workstation Disaster Transport SR? This is a great way to make classics, classics all your own. Get weird, experiment, and please HAVE FUN!

Listen to Brian’s interview with Director of Marketing Thomas Moore from Akron Symphony Orchestra on their Symphosium Podcast to learn more about his experience filming this demo! Links below!


Video: Chris Tran
Audio: Jeff France

A guitar on Christmas morning was the launching pad for what would end up becoming a lifelong obsession for Brian. He began lessons in the 6th grade, fueled by all the typical daydreams of forming a band with friends and playing in front of audiences. The reality of not being able to find a bassist for a band led him to enroll in his high school’s beginning orchestra in 10th grade to learn the double bass, having had absolutely no idea that it would have been quite easy to just get an electric bass and transition to that from guitar. Later that year, a recommendation from his school orchestra director landed Brian in the Pittsburgh Public Schools’ all-city honors concert band, and started a string of opportunities that solidified his love of performing and an obsession for the bass.

While enrolled in the Duquesne University School of Music’s Sound Recording Technology program, Brian studied classical bass under Jeff Mangone and began to freelance on upright and electric basses in whatever genre and setting that he could find. He completed a master’s degree in double bass performance at Michigan State University, and was soon performing all over Michigan as well as in Akron, Canton and Wheeling, W.Va., and has been incredibly fortunate to have performed throughout Europe and in the Cayman Islands.

Brian has performed in world famous concert halls with full orchestras, in regional theater orchestra pits with rock bands, at a Ford dealership with a Doo-wop group, opera under-the-stars in Rome, chamber music, ballet, salsa, big band, the occasional bluegrass jam session, as well as playing contrabass balalaika in the St. Nicholas Orthodox Church balalaika orchestra. He has shared the stage with guest artists from Doc Severinsen to LeAnn Rimes, and played electric bass for Jim Brickman’s appearance with the Canton Symphony Orchestra. He is looking forward to pursuing more non-classical collaborations and finding new ways to incorporate effect pedals into existing classical repertoire for the bass.

Besides playing music, Brian has a bit of an obsession with gardening, with a particular emphasis on growing carnivorous plants and weapons-grade chili peppers. He was an active volunteer as a member of a therapy dog team with his late dog, Ellie, and hopes to continue that role in the near future. He has recently rekindled his love of photography and he always looks forward to an opportunity to fire up the smoker for some slow-smoked BBQ. Along with continuing to explore new musical adventures, he has hopes of returning to the Doctor of Audiology degree that is currently on hold, as well as making a dent in his stack of books that are waiting to be read.

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