Astral Destiny First Impression: Arianna Powell (Halsey) | EarthQuaker Devices

Video by EarthQuakerDevices via YouTube
Astral Destiny First Impression: Arianna Powell (Halsey) | EarthQuaker Devices

Arianna Powell stopped by to get spacey with Astral Destiny and definitely succeeded in that quest. Intertwine chords and single notes into one deep reverberation manifesto with a mode of your choice, and save your settings when the vision is complete. Astral Destiny can hang in the background or play a more substantial character in your musical comeback of the century with octave modes, pitch bending, assignable expression/cv, and a slew of other rad features.

Abyss: Huge reverb with no octave effect
Shimmer: Adds an upper octave to the reverb tail
Sub: Adds a lower octave to the reverb tail
Sub Shimmer: Adds an upper and lower octave to the reverb tail
Astral: Adds an upper and lower octave combined with a regenerating tail
Ascend: Upward pitch bending
Descend: Downward pitch bending
Cosmos: Adds a regenerating fifth to the reverb tail

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